Canada’s Election - getting results for Lake Winnipeg


Lake Winnipeg is full of spirit - as important as our most cherished relatives. Despite decades of government commitments, there has been too little follow through. Lake Winnipeg’s health continues to decline.

In this coming federal election on Sept. 20, let’s remind federal candidates that promises are not enough. It’s time for immediate action.

The Lake Winnipeg Foundation and the Lake Winnipeg Indigenous Collective released a plan for federal action - Five Things the Federal Government Must Do for Lake Winnipeg. This road map identifies specific, concrete actions that the next federal government must take for the long-term health of Lake Winnipeg.

Together we’ve reached out to candidates from the four main federal parties who are running in Manitoba’s 14 ridings, asking them the following three questions:

1. Since 2008, the federal government has made dedicated financial investments for Lake Winnipeg. These investments have enabled phosphorus-reduction initiatives, as well as research and monitoring to improve water quality in Lake Winnipeg. The current federal funding commitment, Phase 3 of the Lake Winnipeg Basin Program, will end in March 2022.

Will you and your party renew the Lake Winnipeg Basin Program in Budget 2022?

2. Too often, the scale of Lake Winnipeg’s watershed serves as an excuse for inaction or as an explanation for ineffective efforts. In reality, efforts have simply lacked relevant evidence to ensure their success. The Lake Winnipeg Community-Based Monitoring Network (LWCBMN) is a collaborative, long-term monitoring program designed specifically to target phosphorus hotspots to ensure phosphorus-reduction projects funded by the federal government generate results.

Will you and your party commit to using LWCBMN data to target federal dollars to phosphorus hotspots?

3. Indigenous peoples have, over hundreds of generations, developed Indigenous Knowledge specific to Lake Winnipeg. As with written knowledge systems, rigorous and well-maintained processes are critical to generate, verify, and share Indigenous Knowledge. Knowledge holders’ ceremonies and protocols require many years of practice and strict adherence to maintain the integrity of Indigenous Knowledge. Just as scientists require resources to gather and synthesize the data that inform policy and management, so too do knowledge holders. Yet there remains a severe lack of balance in supports provided to Indigenous systems of knowledge.

Will you and your party establish and fund an Indigenous-led task force to ensure meaningful inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge in all future reporting and public policy processes for Lake Winnipeg?

UPDATE: To assist voters in making an informed decision, we’ve published all responses we receive on our website.


Lake Winnipeg needs immediate attention. This election, join us in speaking out for action.


Federal Candidates on Lake Winnipeg


We have some issues with Manitoba’s “Water Management Strategy”